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Author page: 26mfj

Uniting the inxiles and exiles

Edit Column Edit Text Editor Since the early 1960s South African jazz musicians in exile together with their international counterparts have used the freedom of South African jazz to not only strongly influence European jazz music but also fight the struggle against apartheid. Their sacrifices made a significant contribution to the freedom and opportunities we…

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Art Centres a key to Rural Advancement

Establishing a system and chain of art academies in the Eastern Cape is a core focus of Professor Peggy Luswazi. Her blueprint is a process of rural industrialisation, based on naturally available resources. This could create job opportunities and contribute to arrest the massive brain drain of thousands from rural areas to find no employment…

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Culture is a wheel of understanding

  Culture is a wheel of understanding one another or telling a story that cannot otherwise be told as a collective. Due to the parallel streams of oppression, suppression and depression, South African exiles and their European counterparts worked tirelessly to promote the cause of a long-term and sustainable freedom, both musically and politically. South Africa…

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